How to Nail Your Nursing Interview!

Recently I had an interview for a local Emergency Department and did a bunch of research on how to nail this interview! My followers on Instagram helped out tremendously!! AND I LANDED THE JOB! 

Check me out on Instagram @nursingschool_struggle_

Okay so finally you get the call back you have been waiting for! Before you go in for your interview…

  1. Do some research about the organization. What is their mission statement. Incorporate this into your answers…
    • For example. the mission statement for the organization I was being interviewed for was “To enhance, every day, the health of our patients, our families and our communities.
    • The vision was “To be the leading regional health care system in Maine, recognised for clinical excellence and service, high value, and impact on community health.”
    • Some of my responses were “to be a nurse that helps families and friends in need, to feel apart of a community” “I want to be the best nurse I can be, I have goals to obtain my certificate as a Critical Care Nurse (CCRN) and my Trauma certification. Hopefully in the near future I would like to apply for my MSN. I want to be recognised for my skill and devotion.
  2. DON’T WEAR SCRUBS! Find an outfit that is business casual. Wear something clean professional and no wrinkles.
  3. Make copies of your Resume
  4. Bring all your certifications
  5. Practice some interview questions. They may ask you for specific scenarios so thinking of them before hand will help you feel more comfortable.
  6. Remember even if the question sounds negative don’t answer negatively, always find a way to make a positive answer. 
  7. Examples of some questions may get
    • Tell me about yourself?
      • Talk about your career and what motivates you. Talk about any hobbies that are healthy. Tell them any future goals you have and how working for them will help you reach this goal.
    • Tell me about a time in your career that you learned from your mistake?
    • What do you find rewarding about being a nurse?
    • What’s the hardest part of your current job?
    • Why are you leaving your current job?
    • What have you done recently to further your nursing knowledge?
    • How do you talk to someone who is not satisfied with you care?
  8. Some interviews will ask you to perform certain tasks.. (triaging questions, hypoglycemia, chest pain, MI)

Lastly remember to sell yourself! Tell them how great and amazing you are! Show your passion! ♥