So basically if this is your first time taking A&P send a text to you friends and family saying you won’t be seeing them till summer!! KIDDING! Well sort of..A&P is a lot of memorizing a ridiculous amount of information. But let me tell you the more retain from this class the more you will understand in nursing school. So here are a few pro tips!
- When it comes to muscles and bones I loved using and blank sheet of paper with the skeleton system and muscular system on it. Put it in a plastic sleeve and use a dry erase marker to write on. Then just repeating over and over until you can practically recite it!
- If you know your taking this class ahead of time do some studying on your own time. But a old used textbook and start reading. Honestly you will learn a lot of awesome information that you will need for nursing school!
- YouTube the cranial nerve song or rhyme! It’s ridiculous but you will remember it! (one nose, two eyes, three, four and six make your eyes do tricks. 5 rhymes with tri for trigememal, 7 on your face, 8 in your ear, 9 and 10 glossopharengeal, vagus, 11 shoulders to heaven, 12 hypoglossal.
- If you professor uses power point slides print them off before hand and use them as a study guide when reading the chapter. Always read the chapters ahead of time before class
- Use acronyms even if they are silly, silly and stupid you will remember!! ( O O O To Touch And Feel Very Gooey Vagina Ah Heaven) the cranial nerves 😂
- Study in a space where no one will bother you and that you won’t be distracted. Put your phone away.
- Use your body to study! I worked in retail when I took A&P and I basically played “head shoulders knees and toes” except it was more like “frontal bone, parietal bone, temporal bone, zygomatic bone ect”
- Color Coded Flash Cards! I personally like uses colored cards because they helped me remember better!
As always don’t forget to check out my podcast!