Episode Ten: Nurse Jenny Creator of Bjorn Hall Stethoscopes

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I started following Nurse Jenny on her Instagram a while ago. One of the many reason I started my podcast was to find and support nurse businesses. Jenny found a passion in creating a stethoscope that tailored to our needs perfectly! She really took the time to find what made a stethoscope perfect. She will even tell us that she had numerous prototypes that didn’t make it passed her quality control!

I’ve been using my Bjorn Hall stethoscope for about 6 months now and I love it! I compared this to my Littmann and really didn’t see any difference in the aucoustics. What I did find was the length was longer so I didn’t have to bend down as far to listen to lungs/bowels/heart sounds. I found that its lighter around my neck, sometimes I don’t even know its there! The ear pieces are so comfortable and when you purchase a stethoscope from Jenny it comes with different size ear pieces so you can tailor it to your own ears!

Jenny is a nurse from Australia and she mentioned that Nurses have a uniform that the hospitals provide them! Unlike in American where we can where different colours, styles brands ect. In Australia your stuck with what your given! A stethoscope is their way of showing individuality!

Shop and support Nurse Jenny! Tell your friends to buy one! Buy one for nursing student!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/node/19825063011?_encoding=UTF8&field-lbr_brands_browse-bin=Björn%20Hall&ref_=bl_dp_s_web_19825063011

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQU_mA1aSjg

Instagram: @bjornhallstethascope

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BjornHallStethoscopes/