Episode Five – Kati Sarbu

Today on the Nursing School Struggle Podcast we have Kati Subaru! I found her on Instagram as @thenursesdietitian and thought she would be a great person to have on the Podcast! Kati is a Registered Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator and health coach. Kati’s passion is helping busy, tired nurses who are so busy taking care of everyone else, find ways to stay healthy themselves by looking at food choices and simple healthy habits that can help boost energy and help you feel better overall.

Kati grew up with nurses in her family and she saw how nurses give and care for their patients so much they have little left to take care of themselves! Kati focuses on nurses and healthcare professionals. She has simple task one can do each day/shift to help promote a healthy lifestyle. Kati has so much passion in helping others succeed in helping themselves! Follow her on Instagram and Facebook!

Instagram @thenursesdietitian

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TheNursesDietitian/